Bryce's Travels

Friday, June 02, 2006


I made it safe and sound from Kingston to Toronto to London to Athens, with a grand total of 23 hours of travel time, none of which were spent sleeping.

Athens looks really interesting so far, but I've only really seen it at night. The acropolis is lit up with big flood lights, and towers over the "downtown"-ish area of town. Very scenic.

The biggest challenge thus far has been navigation. The problem with Greek is that *most* of the letters resemble English characters, but are usually pronounced quite differently. For example, P's are pronounced like R's. The net result of this is that I sound like a total goof when I try to ask people for directions or read any sign. It also doesn't help that, thanks to four years of engineering education, my brain interprets Greek words as really complicated math equations. Enough with the variables, already! (I promise, that will be my one and only math-based Greek character comment).

Tomorrow's agenda: Ascend to the Athenian Acropolis! Also, there's a museum of traditional Greek musical instruments downtown that is calling my name. If they have a gift shop, I could be in serious financial peril.


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